Coaching Sessions

Coaching sessions teach you how to resolve interpersonal conflicts. Mediation clients who receive coaching feel less stressed and reach agreements quicker.

Coaching Sessions: What Will You Learn

Coaching sessions can be delivered as one-offs or as a structured one-to-one approach. Conflict coaching helps individuals develop skills to manage interpersonal conflict. Coaching is a confidential and voluntary service aimed at helping you develop the skills necessary to overcome barriers to agreement in mediation.

My coaching sessions cover the following topics

  • negotiation skills
  • decision-making skills
  • active listening skills
  • stress management methods for mediation sessions
  • how to separate the person from the problem
  • how to focus on fair outcomes
  • how to develop options for win-win outcomes
  • how to identify and use objective criteria during mediation

 Anyone can learn these skills. You will determine your learning goals based on your own needs.

Clients who receive coaching support during mediation reach agreements more often and experience less stress.

How Will You Learn

My coaching sessions are composed of various elements such as presentations, discussions, case studies, and exercises.

Benefits of Coaching Sessions

  • You will become a better negotiator, decision-maker and listener
  • You will save costs of mediation by focusing on the matters at hand
  • You will learn skills that are useful in everyday life
  • You will gain confidence in difficult situations

Ethical Coaching

As your mediator, I must remain impartial and treat all participants equally. Therefore, I cannot discuss your case with you during your coaching sessions.

My Mediation Coaching Approach

My coaching approach aims to separate clients from their problems and help them gain new perspectives on their lives and futures. This approach has been utilised in narrative mediation for families and workplaces. During my coaching work with clients, I follow the narrative conflict coaching guidelines established by Dr John Winslade.

I also use the method and techniques developed by Roger Fisher and William Ury.

The above methods have been recommended for family mediation in the English jurisdiction.

Check out this book for more information: “Getting to Yes Negotiating an Agreement Without Giving In”

Who Should Attend Coaching Sessions

My coaching sessions are designed for anyone who lacks experience in negotiations, feels overwhelmed by the mediation process, or wants to improve the likelihood of reaching an agreement.

I Need Coaching Sessions

Start with booking an obligation free initial consultation with me here.